Bushwalla has always seemed to be one of the cooler kids in life. You know the ones I’m talking about; one of those people who commands the attention of a room with their nature charisma and can list ‘Fire Juggling’ amongst their 108 secret skills. The release of his new album ‘Autodidactical, Freestyle and Radical’ is one of the most electrifying releases this year has seen so far; an audio experience guaranteed to excite your ears. We had a chat to the Bushwalla to find out a bit more about the man himself.
R13:Have you had fun working on the new album? Are you excited about its release?
B:Yes, and yes. It took 2 years to make. So I’m ready. More than ready!
R13:Which tracks are you the most excited about sharing with the universe?
R13:While on tour have you and Justin Kredible taken to the streets at all to do some street performing?
B:Yes, every show almost. I make sure to go up and down the line and do some street performing. The make peace brothers have an outside set before the show, and that’s a great time for anyone in the show to have a little extra fun.
R13:There are various videos on YouTube of you and Jason Mraz doing freestyle performances in Amsterdam - how does off-the-cuff, spontaneous performance compare to arranged gigs?
B:Different. I like to cross bread the two for max effect. Then people don't know what’s made up and what's written.
R13:How many of the skills that you developed in Cleveland (professional clown/ opera singer/ Shakespearean actor/ ballet dancer) have come in useful in day to day life? Does a pirouette ever get you a free coffee at Starbucks?
B:All the tricks I work on were developed in Cleveland. Years of hanging out in magic stores, running my own clown business. Taking dance, and acting class for years.
Everything you learn is useful in day to day life.
Pirouettes only get me dizzy.
R13:Do you ever wonder if you might have been the bane of your teachers’ existence at school?
B:Sure I guess.
R13:At what point did fire/matches begin to appeal to you as something fun to play with?
B:18 - Fire juggling, fire blowing.
R13:Has fire throwing/breathing/juggling flaming batons ever got you into any trouble?
B:Once I got kicked out of Central Park for fire juggling in Strawberry Fields at Jerry Garcias memorial after he died.
R13:We’ve been told previously the American Musical & Dramatic Academy is this cauldron of insanely talented people! Did having a circle of friends there influence you much? Are you still in contact with any of them now?
B:It was a crazy experience there. NYC changed my life and perception of the world. I met some of my best friends that I am still in contact with.
R13:As a bit of a local celebrity in southern Californian, ever find it a different experience touring elsewhere?
B:It's always different, but you feel the love when you give it.
R13:What’s the concept behind your 1-2-3 band?
B:There are around 20 people that play with me at any given time. I always like having different bands and introducing new people to the jam. I like it to be a non conceptual half rehearsed/half freestyle band.
R13:Do you think it’s more important to perfect yourself as a musician, or to be always changing and reinventing yourself?
B:Evolution is the essence of life
R13:You’ve gained a lot of homeland as well as international support over the years. Surely you could have been signed years ago- is remaining an independent artist a conscious decision on your part?
B:Somewhat.They haven't been beating down my doors, but I feel that has been a blessing.I love being independent. Whatever I want to do, I can do. It is also hard being independent. A lot of labels don't know what to do with me.
R13:Even the most pure-of-heart, hardcore musicians have to make some money to support their careers- is it ever hard to find the balance between supporting your career and staying completely true to your personal vision?
B:I can only do what I can do. I am not a text book pop writer. I don't have those abilities. Making money is hard no matter what. I try to think of money as fun tickets. It comes and goes.
R13:You find Barney the purple dinosaur unconscious on the sidewalk (looks like a mugger got to the poor guy). Do you drive him to the nearest hospital, or drive over him (and then reverse)?
B:Am I in the suit?