As we dived in to 2020, early struggles, which then became amplified by a global pandemic, forced us in to well and truly needing to hit the pause button. For personal and professional reasons there simply needed to be a break and a regroup before slamming that reset button. Whilst this post does constitute us doing just that, and we're back with the aim to posting as regularly as we can, the focus is going to switch up somewhat. Running online publications can trickle down the hole of "content content content" which is unfortunately a net we found ourselves wrapped up in when moving in to 2020. The desire to post absolutely everything backfires and you actually end up posting even less - the maths doesn't add up but trust us, it unfortunately works out this way. With the way our industry is having to battle through at the moment our priority will therefore be to help shine specific spotlights on artists, labels and PR groups through shorter, snappier reviews, a more focussed plan for news items and new features which we'll be introducing across the coming weeks and months. Alongside this, we will also be putting together pieces focussing on the UK festival scene to help contribute to the noise behind their full remobilisation for 2021.
We support all of our professional contacts, colleagues and friends during this time and will continue to post updates around the call to action behind the growing #WeMakeEvents campaign. As little as our contribution to this may be in the grand scheme of things, there is no better industry for channelling loud noises in a specific direction and making a big impact.