Singer Ryan Kennedy of United Edge Records' CALIGULA has left the band. Remaining member Eric Silvay had this to say about the departure: "This last Wednesday we, as a band, sat down to discuss the current status of Caligula. It was intended as a formal discussion, level-headedness all around, and we are very thankful that the overall atmosphere was just that."We found some things that could, if left unaddressed, had the potential to grow into a sizable rift down the road, and came to the conclusion that the continuing friendship between the four of us was what was most important.
"We are all still on very good terms (Mike and Rye areroommates...they see each other every day), and wish Rye the very best of luck in his proposed project with Joe from Calamity Project.
"This band has been a communal form of release for ll of us,and there was, is, and will continue to be, a brotherhood and an inseperable bond between all four of us."
Current plans to replace Kennedy have not yet been announced, but will be soon.