Room Thirteen has been listening to you over the recent months and we've decided to start implementing a few of the suggestions that you have made to us about our site.
The first step has been to introduce competitions and as you will see there are now competition links all over the Room Thirteen site (at the top with the other links, and also down the side). We plan on running competitions to give you gig tickets, CDs and even more festival tickets - we've started by offering you a massive Download Scotland giveaway.
We're also going to work on profiles of our staff for the site as we have had some interest as to who actually makes Room Thirteen work. Why you guys would want to know that we can't figure out - but we're going to give it to you.
Finally - we're going to improve how the festivals section works for you. We will add options for rumours, multiple festivals over the years and other cool stuff; unfortunatley this won't be online for another couple of months whilst our programmers work on it.
And last but not least... a few of you have asked for a forum and this will be coming over the next few months as well so stay tuned.
Meanwhilst... feel free to enter our first competition here.