For the last few years Dave HT, or Fungalpunk as he is affectionately known, has been championing underdog punk bands from across the country through a series of gigs and tours under the Spit And Sawdust (SAS) banner. This has culminated in an annual 3 day event in Stockport that showcases the best the underground punk scene has to offer. Ahead of this years event (16th -18th January) we caught up with the Fungal one to find out what it's all about.
R13:Tell us what's happening this weekend?
D:It is the 3rd Spit and Sawdust 3 dayer at The Thatched House Stockport as part of the on-going SAS Tour. £12 for all 3 days with 30+ bands on show. It should be a fantastic treat just like the last two however it really is no good for the stress levels. Details of all bands are at
R13:What's the idea behind SAS and what made you want to do it in the first place?
D:The SAS is basically about getting the underdog band some gigs together as well as building up the fan base and contact list. Initially I thought bands would be hungry for this which in some instances they are. Unfortunately spirit and passion are a rare commodity these days and some bands have left a lot to be desired. I asked Andy from Noize Anoize to be the co-promoter of the tour and he did his best for the first 12 month but became so disillusioned by the crappy attitude out there as well as having a few personal problems that he upped sticks and went to Australia. We both wanted to do it because we were sick of the way the scene was going with nostalgia, big band arse licking and complete lethargy taking over. I am at it on my own now and it is a very time-consuming task and the difference made is minimal but still worth it as I am quite happy to be a thorn in the side of the fakes.
R13:What's your background? How did you get involved in the local scene?
D:I hail from Wigan originally and what was once a decent scene fizzled and left me as the last punk standing somewhat. Circumstance took me to Stockport where I gigged around the local area and saw many a fine band. By chance I helped promote the UK Subs gig in Stockport and it snowballed from there. I try and see 50 new bands a year to keep me on my toes and support people as much as I can via the site reviews and such.
R13:Which (if any) of the current crop of bands have really blown you away?
D:I judge bands over a period of time both on music and attitude. After a bit you get tuned in to certain mentalities and where they are coming from. Some bands I am still assessing and some I have made my mind up about. These are a few that deserve support be it through ability or attitude. Most Likely To Fail, The Scabs, The Mispelts 2.0, 2 Sick Monkeys, Flat Back Four, Born to Destruct etc. I could go on but check the list on the site and reason for yourself why they are on the bill. Judged or to be judged - you decide. One thing though is that if bands do good then I stick by them no matter what.
R13:You've never struck me as being one for nostalgia, preferring to look to the future, so what did you make of all the 30th anniversary of punk events? ...and the Pistols playing the MEN Arena!
D:The Sex Pistols basically invited everyone to a gig so they could take the piss - and they still all went. It was blatant and just like loads of bands are doing at the moment. I know I'll get stick for this but I really couldn't give a toss. The fact is when we were younger we laughed at Teds and Rockers stuck in a time warp and now a majority of the punks do the same. To me punk is about rolling forward. Some of the old bands still have relevance but shouldn't be the be all and end all as they are treated. If people think that turning out to see the same old shit is punk then I do despair. We have an overload of talent out there but people seem frightened if they miss out on being in the right places, with the right faces at the right time. Bollocks to that - I am where I want to be when I want to be and am not dictated to by prestige or names. You have to keep it real no matter what or else the scene is finished.
R13:Do you think the term 'punk' means anything musically anymore or has it become impossibly diluted with all the crossovers? Or do you subscribe to the view that it was always more of a lifestyle than a genre of music?
D:Musically the term 'punk' has been raped rotten by people wanting to cover all areas. There's gigs all over Manchester parading under the punk banner and to be honest I could piss more punk. They are covering the promoting angle and trying to get their venue full but it is to the detriment of the tag. To me anyway it doesn't matter one jot if you attend gigs or not as punk is indeed a 'mentality' and is about honesty and respect. Of course if you have the mentality then it goes without saying that you will be mooching around the gigging scene but just because you go to gigs doesn't give you the right to call yourself a 'punk'. I look into the eyes of many who state they're punks and there ain't nothing there - no life, no rage, no passion. Also punk isn't about backstabbing and little games of oneupmanship - I see and hear a lot what goes on and this stuff is appalling. Just a small fishbowl for small fish to try and be something - pathetic.
R13:What have you got planned for SAS in the rest of the year?
D:After the 3 dayer then its a 10 band treat at the same venue the week after, then its up to the impressive Mannville Arms in Bradford, then Cumbria and then to Accrington. After that it's rest time and a reassessment seperating the wheat from the chaff. The site will hammer way with reviews, interviews etc as is per usual and the Fungal ethos will still be blazing.
R13:If bands want to get gigs through you what's the best way to get in touch?
D:E-mail or go to myspace where you should find Fungalpunk easily enough.
R13:Best band you ever saw & why?
D:I have many good bands that give me great memories and the aforementioned ones are in there with a shout. I really couldn't pick one out to be honest as I really do have so many. I love the scene and the sounds so there's no way to answer this.
R13:Worst band you ever saw & why?
D:I have seen a few shit bands over the years but not that many. The scene is oozing talent and just needs supporting more. Worst band - The Buzzcocks are shit though and have never done anything for me. There are others but I thought I'd mention these as it gets me more bad press ha, ha. Incidentally the guy who co-promted the SAS with me (Andy from Noize Anoize) thought the Buzzcocks were the best thing since sliced bread - that's opinions for ya and it still doesn't stop me respecting him as a true underdog punker.
R13: Anything else to add?
D:Yeah loads but let's keep it simple. Support the SAS - why? Because it is built on honesty and good intent - no bullshit, no egos and no pretensions - just a few 'erberts trying to make good of some quality talent. The gigs are always cheap, friendly and entertaining and all are welcome. Some have even said the last two 3 dayers were the gigs of the year - silly buggers.
You can find full listings for the 3 day event at the Thatched House in Stockport here.