The Peppermint Apes, having just released their debut album, kindly took time out of their busy schedule to have a chat with us.

R13:You must’ve been asked this so many times, but where does the name come from?
PA:Basically... when we first got together we struggled for a name. We put a board up and our manager Col wrote loads of random words and names and The Peppermint Apes was the only one that stood out that we really liked.

R13:Can you tell me in your own words what The Peppermint Apes is all about, where your influences lie and so on.
PA:It goes back to The Beatles in a way, in terms of the urge to write songs. It’s quite mixed. In terms of inspiration, whenever I listen to a piece of music, any genre, it gives me an idea to write a song. I’d say the Beatles, 70’s and 80’s music, but modern music like indie as well is an inspiration.

R13: I’ve been listening to your debut album [Against The Wall] today and must admit to being quite surprised. Your EP was very 60’s rock ‘n roll but the album is quite diverse isn’t it? It’s really impressive.
PA:In terms of songwriting, what we generally do in terms of style is we don’t have any barriers, it doesn’t have to be any style. What comes out comes out. We don’t sit down and decide what kinda genre we’re going to play. Whatever feels right in the moment, we go with it.

R13:What has been the band’s biggest achievement so far?
PA:I think playing amazing TV shows in USA - we played on a programme called Good Morning Texas, it was a great experience.

R13:I saw your video diary on Youtube - can you tell me what kinda things you got up to out there...?
PA:The stuff we got up to was just enjoying ourselves and doing the TV shows. We did the tourist thing first because we’d never been to New York before - we went to the Empire State Building... yeah, we had a really good time.

R13:Are you going to launch yourselves in the USA or was the trip just to test the water?
PA:We were just trying it out. I mean, we wouldn’t rule it out, but that was our first tour as a band; what better experience than to do it in the States! We had gigs out there, that was amazing but it was all about the TV shows, it was such a buzz. It was quite nerve-wracking, very different to gigs with the countdown to being on air and stuff (laughs).

R13:It went well though?
PA:Yeah, it was really really good.

R13:You’ve just released your debut album, which we loved - how can readers get hold of a copy?
PA:Thanks... it’s on ITunes, it’s available on downloading websites, Amazon and also Spotify. People can listen to it there before buying it.

R13:Do you have any tours planned for the near future?
PA:We’ve just got back from Belgium, where we launched the album. We had an awesome reception, guys dancing to all the songs... and girls, obviously (laughs). We’re thinking of going back out to the US and also back to Belgium because of how well it went, we’re weighing up our options really.

R13:I’m impressed that your plans are all international (laughs)!
You’ve already had such big achievements, how do you see things developing over the next few years?

PA:Hopefully, we’ll get a record deal and we’ll be trying to get the word about even more.

R13:How long have you guys been together?
PA:Officially... from October 2008. However, the way I look at it now, with the new line-up (our guitarist left and we have a keyboardist now), this is the beginning of the Apes.

R13:It’s quite incredible, by anybody’s standards, how much has happened to you guys over the space of a year!
PA:It’s bizarre really!

R13:Well that’s me done folks... do you have anything else that you wish to add?
PA:Can we just thank some people? We’ve got a few people who help us out...
R13:Of course, fire away!
PA: Thanks to Col, our manager... he is a legend... Helene Bricks our European manager, Val Bird from Pollytone Records who really has got the show on the road... Dakota Williams and Rizo from DIBWAC our USA management, Lady Carol for the street team co-ordination, Amanda and Gidget from Woody Radio, Jerry in America - your film-work rocks! The Batman and IRN radio, Anne who comes to every gig we do in the UK and does a great PR job for us, Tracey who’s our UK Street Team manager... Jump TV and Fearless TV New York and Good Morning Texas Austin! Arcade studios - wow! Also, Value Cars for your brilliant support! Finally, we’d also like to thank Darren our guitarist for leaving the band..! (laughs) That’s it really!

R13:Well thanks very much for your time guys. I understand you’re on air in America after this?
PA: Yeah, that’s right!
R13:Enjoy! It was very good to talk to you. All the best with the new album.
PA:Thank you very much, cheers, all the best!

Have you got your copy of 'Against The Wall'? Check out Room Thirteen's review for the lowdown on The Peppermint Apes' debut album.