Nothing original.
The woozy harmonica led intro makes you think we are in for a Neil Young ‘Harvest’ era track but this is quickly overcome by a chirpy and breezy backing that lets everyone know that the song will continue in a knowing and clever pop style. It seems to fit neatly alongside the countless number of acts who tried to fashion a career out of aping The Beatles. The melodies are there and the vocal phrasing couldn’t be more latter-era John Lennon if it tried but like so many other acts, it just feels a bit weak and pastiche-like.
The lyrics are fairly straight-forward and to the point, although dull and saying nothing so it depends on what you want to take from it. There’s an underlying smugness about the song, the song that usually comes from an artist who has played everything on the record. It’s an interesting concept to get your head around. Has the artist played everything because they are very talented and have the ability to do everything by themselves? Or is it likely that their personality and ego is such that they find it hard to work with others and allow them responsibility to shape the sound of their songs. It would be unfair to say either of these applies to Tim Mullineaux but it is worth bearing in mind.