Stationary Metalcore Doesn't Satisfy

Everyone loves a bit of noise nowadays. Your typical metal fan will have a few Behemoth or Mayhem CDs lying around, your melodic rock fan will hide Slipknot's Iowa from his friends, and even your teenyboppers bought Linkin Park's album. Quite a lot of bands noticed this, and tried to make a "screamy" band to unite every different breed of music fan under one banner - bands like Mastodon, Poison the Well and Converge have all tried their hand at the noisenik gig and have mostly been successful, to the extent that breaking into this elusive genre is becoming increasingly difficult.

Sadly, Nine Days To No One fall short of the expectations set here. Disrecordings boasts all the requirements of a Dillinger Escape Plan usurper, with the added bonus of some sort of hardcore metal element in there. Think Poison the Well meet Isis meet Will Haven in a darkened alley. Surely, with all that potential, it's a pretty belting album, right?

50% right - Disrecordings isn't bland and none of the tracks are filler, but it's irritatingly obvious the band were trying something outside their current ability, or they simply weren't strict enough in the writing. Whilst they can definitely play the music, from this it feels like they can't write it as well as they probably think they can. Every time something feels like it's going somewhere, the band have cowered back into familiar riffing and cowardly "scream so nobody notices" land, which is a shame.

Nine Days to no One are definitely a band to watch - they're talented guys who can really make some noise. Hopefully they will take more risks in the future. Don't worry about them making a crap album though - they won't.