Re-issue with extra tracks.

“One Jug Of Wine, Two Vessels”, the Neva Dinova/Bright Eyes Split album (originally released in 2004), gets a re-issue but with four extra tracks. The four tracks have been added to the start of the record and the contrast is interesting; while you can tell the difference between the new and old, the tone of the record hasn’t been affected too much, still feeling warm and gently folky with some cracking melodies.

The new tracks seem more immediate; slightly catchier and the production is ever so slightly crisper. Album opener ‘Rollerskating’ is a great tune to begin with, the melody is sweet and it has a lovely sing-a-long, upbeat chorus. ‘Happy Accident’ brings in the unmistakable tones of Connor Oberst leading. It’s interesting to note how different he sounds than in the older tracks; those 6 years have really shown a change in style, but it’s still very much his style. This track is also quite upbeat and has a great quirky section towards the end.

On these four new tunes, both artists have stayed true to the overall sound originally laid down; as a result it still feels cohesive and works as a whole. The original songs sound as charming as ever; ‘I Know You’ makes the transition well, leading into ‘Tripped’, ‘Black Comedy’ et al. The later tracks here all have more of a country edge, some beautiful instrumentation and a melancholy feel which often makes you shiver with longing; listening to the string guitar on ‘Poison’ is just one of those moments.

A lovely record with the addition of four very worthy tracks making it even better; well worth checking out, even if it is for the second time.