Going Dutch

Meet The Storm are a punk hardcore band from Rotterdam, Holland. The Dutch may not be overly well known for their punk on this side of the channel but on this evidence they are clearly not lacking in talent.

All three tracks on this EP are there to kick ass with some very impressive music and helped out on 'Sailing Out To Fail' by guest vocalist, Liam Cormier of Cancer Bats fame. While the music may evoke thoughts to parallel Meet The Storm with bands like Gallows and Cancer Bats, however there is a but; and it is in the form of lead singer Matt Szijj. For the majority of the songs Matt Szijj does just fine but he seems to struggle with the extreme vocals, it just sounds like he is too much on the edge. Maybe this is the sound they are gunning for or maybe he just needs to drink a bit more Jack Daniels to get that edge, after all we all know that is all it takes.