The New Philosphy.

Relentless drum-pounding, the drawl of spiky guitars, an assured deadpan vocal delivery and mildly inchorent backing vocals are the ingredients of a killer song just shy of three minutes. Scumbag Philosopher are certainly out to showcase their unique sound and unwillingness to compromise on this eponymous single.

Whilst one section of the band create an ambient wall of noise on a Spector-esque scale, the vocals deal with the 'scumbag philosopher' in question. The lyrics are a highly poetic yet ultimately scathing attack on the song's antagonist, a man 'who loves to be talking with nothing to say', which evokes an image of a bigot you would meet in a pub and have a long, if totally pointless and irrelevant conversation with about religion, crime and the 'golden respectful times', an accurate caricature of a quintessentially British figure.

The message the band are trying to convey is clear, there is no room for people such as this in modern society and that radicals like themselves are here to stay, free and at liberty from archaic social conventions. A song with meaning and a message delivered in an atmospheric and catchy manner by a group as fiercely individual as they come.