Epic prog metal

Channelling the ghost of Isis and bringing to mind Mastodon, Birmingham four piece io's second full length is a dense sounding heavy duty affair, of progressive alt-metal, however it's not all about the noise, they also know how to turn out a cracking melody or two and amongst all the distortion and screams there are some real gems.

The album begins in epic fashion with 'Five Ton Man' throwing you right in the thick of some chunky riffs and in your face vocals; in between the heavier sections a range of subtle, tuneful moments await. A repeated riff leading to some lovely melodic guitar, a slow build to a rush of noise and then suddenly it all comes together; the melody played on the guitar mixes with crashing distortion and serrated vocals to make a sound which is loud, beautifully constructed, very addictive and brings shivers.

The record continues to impress, moving easily from dreamy, hypnotic soundscapes to all encompassing explosions of noise that you can drown in. 'Breathe In The Sea' begins beautifully; a lovely clear guitar melody on top of quiet rushes from the cymbals and a gentle but constant whine underneath; soon a tune evolves and it's one you can move to, the gradual build takes its time but the getting there is so enjoyable that the seven and a half minute running time seems too short.

'Materioptikon' is a joy, a perfect example of how to construct powerful, progressive epics. Highly recommended home grown talent.