A Best Kept Secret Unleashes It's Beauty

It's incredibly rare for a band to go from strength to strength continually, and to improve every aspect of their music at the same time, all whilst starting from a blistering quality. Normally, a band tries to reinvent itself but loses touch with it's origins, or just goes off the wheels totally. So, a consistant band is incredibly rare.

Secret Sphere are a consistant band, however the changes they make between albums is strong enough to project a totally new feeling with the background of familiarity. From their debut opus "Mistress Of The Shadowlight", through 2003's mind-blowing "Scent of Human Desire" to this new opus, the Italian Progressive Power Metal monsters have delivered time after time. Secret Sphere are allowed to be confident that this upcoming album was going to be good before it was released, and they're not wrong. "Heart & Anger" shows Secret Sphere moving further away from the typical Power Metal scene, and embracing the progressive element of their sound. However "Dance With The Devil" will send older listeners on a trip down memory lane, one they won't want to come back out of.

Overall Heart & Anger is a fresh reinvention of a band who've adapted more times than Madonna. A must for anyone who likes their Progressive Power Metal, fans of Labyrinth, Rhapsody and Avantasia take special note.