Akarusa Yami – Third Eye Wide Open (single)

With a band name apparently comprised of the Japanese words for brightness and darkness you might be surprised to learn that Akarusa Yami is comprised of a bunch of Nottingham-based metallers who have probably never even visited the Land of the Rising Sun.

Formed in 2010 Akarusa Yami, according to their press release, certainly seem like they mean business and, on the basis of their first offering 'Third Eye Wide Open', their business is suitably mean.

Opening with some galloping double bass drumming and chugging guitars Akarusa Yami know how to make an entrance and the bulging-eyed, spittle-flecked aggression is relentless, save a brief, ill-advised attempt at singing by vocalist Tom Brumpton which put me in mind somewhat of Bathory's mainman Quorthon.

Akarusa Yami definitely have the potential to do well, but the mix, which has the drums at the forefront and the guitars muffled, doesn't do the band any favours and they could do with a bit more variety to give them an edge on their peers; a bit more Yin to balance out the Yang (ok, I know that's Chinese & not Japanese, but you get my point!).