Stalking Horse - Specters

Stalking Horse's Specters has echoes of Radiohead and New Order, but manages overall to create a sound all their own. There is a certain unique aspect to the songs that seems to be missing a lot lately - an almost hypnotic factor that not only draws the listener's attention but is also able to hold it.

Key Strokes is a song that lasts over two minutes, and yet it feels like barely even a few seconds before the haunting refrain draws to a close. Previously described as 'indie-tronic', Key Strokes feels like robots come to life - breaking out of the metal shell with human wails and rhythmic, electro beats.

The Dawn Is Father To The Sun is without a doubt one of the stand out tracks. Stalking Horse are one of the few bands who manage to create a cohesive sound while allowing each track to retain its individuality; while Key Strokes functions as a significant introduction to the album, The Dawn Is Father To The Sun draws the listener further into the world that Stalking Horse have created.

Although it has to be pointed out that the beginning of 99 Stairs does remind me slightly of the Countdown clock, the comparison soon wanes as the band draw on looping chord successions and reoccurring electronic beats to form an atmosphere that plays cat and mouse with the sense of eerie, every time just falling short.

There's something beautiful and airy about the album as a whole. Even the more haunting and sparse tracks manage to still have a backbone; there's a richness of sound which is never lacking. Stalking Horse take the concept of less is more and push it to its limit - they manage to invoke minimalism without ever letting the songs sound as though something is lacking.

While each track is striking, the album really comes together as a whole. The songs complement each other and intertwine, really managing to form a more complex and layered sound together as opposed to with a singular listen. Slip some headphones on, turn the volume up and lose the best half hour of your life to Stalking Horse. You won't regret it.