sna-fu grand desordre orchestre Knives and Bells Review

Recorded and produced by Francis Caste at The Sainte Marthe studio in Paris,
Knives and Bells is the third studio release from noisy French Punk Rockers Sna-Fu Grand Desordre Orchestre. Not only has the band got a pretty cool name, but the album is pretty bloody good too and very much in the style of The Bronx. Flawlessly executed, this album is easily the group's most ambitious, powerful, and loud as hell release to date. It's powerful and angry, but also surprisingly infectious in its melodies that will have you humming along in no time at all.

Opening track Furious and Fast is an apt title as it dives in headfirst with a ballsy melodic riff that's incredibly catchy setting the tone for the rest of this release. Quickly followed by the surprisingly danceable You Don't Like This Song, a super bouncy track with a catchy chorus that stays with you and with a very clever title as this was one of my favourite tracks.

The album goes on a journey through several different genres, touching gently on bluesy rock n roll during I'll Give You Money and Serial Deaths Lane before pop punk I Hate Berlin. Catrina slows the whole tempo down and ventures into grunge territory also bizarrely featuring the bass line from Queens Another One Bites the Dust during the intro.

Concluding the album is a track called Rising, and proves to be a very worthy ending. With yet more catchy riffs and incredible vocals, this track features a spoken section which is clearly very emotional. Then hitting back with another bluesy guitar riff you can't help grooving along to and ending in a ball of fury leaving you gasping for more!

Singer Bjorn Tuckills vocals are clean and infectious and the album shows an amazing diversity blurring the lines between ferocious, energetic punk rock and stoner rock. Knives and Bells is a truly thrilling rollercoaster ride that has a little something for everyone and I thoroughly enjoyed bouncing around my living room. Featuring surging riffs and incredible energy, I can only imaging what kind of show these guys put on onstage!