Edgy guitar rock

New York city is a dark and dangerous place and 'Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt' bursts out of it like an alley cat in the lights of a police car. It's pulsating, lethal rock with guitars like sirens that call out to music lovers everywhere. A smash hit with slicing guitars and a blistering bassline that shakes the city awake in thunderous style. 'Nobody Moves, Nobody Get Hurt' isn't the first edgy, sexy guitar tune from the US that's come posing on our stereos, but it's very competent and so catchy that it's hard to argue against it.

'Muchos Mas' lingers and sways in a slightly more experimental vein, with more overflowing energy and crashing percussion behind its aching tune. Moody and distant, it’s a tune that looms like the apocalypse without the uncertainty, because one thing to be certain of is that We Are Scientists make great music.

We Are Scientists do have the clinical, regimental sound of Interpol somewhere in there, but mostly their science is fine musicology, and this single is a fine manifesto for their sound.