Totally confused

Rock music will always tread on eggshells; walking the fine line between the sweetest music and noise descending into drivel. 'Sludgefeast' are vocalist Coirin, vocalist and guitarist James and a drummer also called James. The intro to 'Total Confusion' is infectious and pure rock gold but the lyrics are soon exposed as generic and filled to the brim with swear words put in solely for dramatic effect. As a single, it belongs in the bargain basement and as a harbinger of the band's forthcoming album, it serves its sleeping master poorly. You can almost hear the guitar strings begin to sizzle on 'Total Confusion', no doubt ignited the majority of the instruments used to produce the track.

The band's intensity frequently reaches fever pitch but there's no foundation behind it, no message to spread, no point to get across to the listener. Track 4 on the single is called: "Total Destruction". It's a song where the band sings about needing 'total destruction'. If you want mindless generic rock with little point, you've found it in 'Sludgefeast' and you're already salivating at the thought of their forthcoming album. If you're after music then I'm afraid you've taken a wrong turn.