Motel Hero - Alleycats

Alleycats is the debut single from London based Motel Hero. This is a new band that are obviously working very hard to try and secure themselves a record deal, by performing a barrage of gigs and headlining renowned music venues such as the Borderline in London.

Their single is a memorable up-tempo track, very indie rock 'n' roll and very catchy. There is a real live sound that can be heard in the band's performance, with a punk edge not too dissimilar to the likes of the Kaiser Chiefs which make for excellent qualities when playing in front of an audience.

The band seem to be putting on all the right moves to becoming pretty successful and the diversity and talent that can be heard in their music means that they will thoroughly deserve it. They have been busy this year, from recording at MTV studios in Camden to performing all over London, and it would seem that things for Motel Hero are looking promising.