Weedy Indie

Your Vegas hail from Leeds and play what only can be called a nice, safe version of Coldplay, if such a thing was possible. Imagine if you will, going to band practice in a multiplex of rehearsal rooms. Your Vegas sound like the band playing next door to your room whilst you're setting up, and you say to your mates, 'these guys are crap, they'll never get anywhere'. You plug in, turn up and thrash out totally drowning out their sound, thus causing you to get dirty looks when you nip to the counter to get a drink. (ask any rock musician, they'll know where I'm coming from)

Their self-titled debut single is very approachable, it doesn't attempt to break any barriers nor does it have a statement to make. This isn't a bad thing, not all music has to be about something, it can be played for the sheer enjoyment of it. The problem with 'Your Vegas' as a song, is it doesn't standout from all the other nice indie bands around at the moment. I couldn't help thinking that if their self-titled song is this weedy, god help the rest of their material. B-side 'Aurora' is a much better song than the A-side incorporating an upbeat delivery and catchy chorus. This song would have made a much bigger impact, certainly on this reviewer, if it was the main subject of this release. Your Vegas are young and have time to develop and if their record label has any sense they'll be on the next Coldplay or U2 tour.