Superb Strumming

In case you didn't know, Deep Purple rule. Having done the research into that fact, namely buying two of their albums, I believe I have collected substancial evidence to make that a fact. Of course, I didn't really need to go and search the local CD shops - I could have instead listened to Steve Morse's song "Wooden Music" on the new Guitar Center compilation CD to be awed by him. Oh, it's good. I mean, this is a budget price collection of some of the best guitar players in history doing what they do best.

Apart from Deep Purple, ex-UFO legend Michael Schenker appears on the album. Yes, that's right, UFO. Remember "Doctor Doctor"? Probably one of the best songs of it's time? Well, Schenker is back with no loss of power here - it's a damn shame he left UFO, but hey, if he's still rocking, we're not complaining, right?

But enough drooling over Deep Purple and UFO! There seems to be a lot of ex famous band members on here; Marilyn Manson, Megadeth, Dokken and Lita Ford to name a few - is this an album of regret? A way for these people to try to climb back into music?

No. It's not. Not only because the ex band members don't waste any time proving they've still got it, but becuse of some of the people on here who have never been in a huge band before, but still know which way a guitar goes. Special mention goes to Neil Zaza, who's song "Lift" really does need to get further out into rock and start replacing some of the torrents of rubbish we get these days.

So, fifteen well-written, well-produced songs, none of which miss a beat in, well, being excellent. If I had to point out something wrong with this album, it's that some of the songs on here simply aren't long enough to justify themselves or the people playing them. Poor Paul Gilbert, who only gets one minute and one second to prove his worth! I wanted another two minutes of him at least!

So, there's a fusion of styles here (heavy rock, all the way through to the blues), and it's unique. There is nothing like this on the market. Get it now.