Brooding And Gloomy

'11:11' is a jumbled number. With beats that would not be out of place on a 80s dance floor, '11:11' initially offers an up beat tempo that enticingly suggests that the lyrics will follow suit. Forget it. Whilst Film School may prefer their pace to harbour a dash of 80s flair, their lyrics and vocals are more akin to Interpol. Drawn out, monotone vocals gradually convey a darkness and a dejected sense of unhappiness that meanders along but never really goes any where or achieves anything besides dragging the song out.

B-side, 'Walked Til Sunday' builds upon this brooding gloomy stance, except without the up lifting beats. Towards the end you just praying for Film School to cheer up, to inject some of the 80s finesse that prevented '11:11' from being a complete disaster but it never comes. '11:11' is ultimately saved by the fact that it does mix the fast with the slow and although you may switch off to the vocals, '11:11' is not a total waste.