Good name, music that's very got it sorted for suiting the background

Their music is nice, but as soon as first lyric "Fall like snow" comes in you can't help but put the word Patrol after it, for the voice is exactly like that of Gary Lightbody, but that notion starts to disappear, or becomes less of a factor as the song moves on, into a stage at the chorus which is very Delays-like.

And that's where it stays throughout the four songs, in that mould that is like The Delays' sound but far enough removed from it for it not to be labelled a pure copy-cat band. The Mono Band's music has a less distorted and rampant feel than that of You See Colours, but it gives this record a nice and cool feel which is good for a summer's evening as the day's work is coming to an end.

Overall the melange of sound created on the four songs of this single is quite soothing in a modern guitar-led manner, but ultimately it's not the most memorable record you're going to hear all year. Certainly listenable though, good at not being intrusive...