Profoundly chilling and relaxing at the same time, an evocative beauty

The collaboration of Micah P. Hinson and John Mark Lapham from The Earlies in the form of The Late Cord release this mesmerising single 'My Most Meaningful Relationships Are With Dead People' on 4AD and it's quite quietly fascinating. The piano-led track clocks in at just under seven minutes and slowly wields a melancholic vocal overtop which haunts and sends shivers down the spine, but at the same time you can't get enough of its chilling, soothing power...

John Lapham's father Robert H. Lapham also makes an appearance on the record, lending his vocal talents to the piece in a terrifying chant which is far removed from the type of music he was making back in his Picks days, playing backing support to Buddy Holly.

From this Texan collaboration, the line-up of which should tickle and tantalise most taste buds, comes an off-kilter and quirky single that's like the piano to Radiohead's 'Sail To The Moon' met with a sad singsong from the late Johnny Cash, and if that doesn't sell it then I'm afraid you've taken the wrong turn.