Global Appeal?

Along with Rage Against The Machine and Korn, Downset burst out of early 90’s Los Angeles music scene fusing metal, punk, hardcore, hip-hop and funk into the genre now known as nu-metal. In recent years Nu-metal has taken a fair battering with the media with harder acts from the US such as Killswitch Engage and Shadows Fall reclaiming the hard edge of metal and thrusting the public attention to Iron Maiden T-shirts rather than baggy shorts and back-to-front baseball caps.

In light of this, Downset have released their newest record: Universal. The band employ metal riffage over old school hip-hop lyrics reminiscent of Public Enemy as well a DIY hardcore attitude. “All Crews” definitely captures that vibe. “Jumping Off” sounds like a funked up and fully charged Rage Against The Machine in a face off with Cypress Hill. “The Rush” is almost reminiscent of Deftones, with the sharp melodic guitars working against the shouty vocals of Rey Oropeza.

With rap metal being a semi-ridiculed medium of music it is refreshing that Downset are reinstating some overdue credibility. For those who miss Rage Against The Machine, Downset are a sure hit producing some of the finest work this side of Limp Bizkit.