Not music for your grandma

Every so often, an album is released that is so obviously poor, each song leaves the listener feeling somewhat embarrassed and exposed. Occasionally, however, the album can put the listener on edge and still be a reasonable effort. Marduk's latest "Plague Angel" is a fine example of this. The music technicality is all there and all intact, yet listening to most of the tracks will force the listener to take at least one step back from the stereo. The perfect example of this is the forthcoming single "Throne of Rats", which often leaves the audience with two thoughts; "Blimey, that was loud" and "My fucking ears!"

As far as Marduk's history goes, they've managed to chalk up quite a few top notch albums over the years - 1994's "Opus Nocturne" being the gem in the sands, but that's not to say they've been consistent, and that could be where Marduk fall down somewhat. They claim to be the "only true black metal band still around" and unfortunately, it would seem that to be true you have to consistently release the same album, something that has plagued black metal artists for a long time.

Overall, there's promise here. Plenty of promise, and I can assure you Marduk would be a fierce live act, and whilst the album certainly doesn't lack in its noise levels, it falls down somewhat when it comes to originality.