Do you have Impure Thoughts?

Impure Thoughts have a long history and the experience to go along with it. With the players' musical histories dating back to the late 1980's and a traversing of many bands, and a fair few musical genres behind them, this band should know what they are doing by now.

Lead track 'Take On The World' has a touch of Teenage Fanclub, albeit sounding a lot murkier and pained than the chirpy lads. With the lead vocals having a nasally twang to them, the song bounces along, almost like a Dinosaur Jnr song from the early 90s and it may be hard to place Impure Thoughts in a modern context but theres no denying their musical ability.

'Please Kill Me' is a stomp along boogie in the style of the Rolling Stones and is quite mindless fun – it's not going to change your world but if you heard it in the live environment, it would likely get the party started. The song has looseness about it and the closing guitar line can't help but bring a smile to your face, such is the obviousness of it. It's fun though and sometimes, that is all that matters.

With a few headline sets in Glasgow and Edinburgh recently behind them and a new album in tow, the time may be right for having a few Impure Thoughts of your own.