Mediocre Debut From 21 Year Old.

To say that Indi Forde is an example of all that is wrong with the world would be rather hyperbolic of me. However, if I explained that by 'the world', I actually mean the music industry, then I'm approaching a fair comment. There is nothing wrong with Indi Forde's music, if, that is you are yet to tire of the grating sounds of yet another oh so earnest and emotionally wrought male singer-songwriter. And male singer-songwriters who are fragile and fractured make up a large proportion of my record collection. I live and breathe the discovery of another sensitive soul who will break my heart and then sew it back together. You see, the trouble is that with Indi Forde, James Morrisson and countless others, I just don't believe them.

Their sound and lyrics are utterly unremarkable or memorable only for their tendency to annoy. They are over-produced and thoroughly lacking in sincerity to the degree that hearing such music offends me. Too many promising artists are overlooked in favour of middle of the road and third rate fair such as this, and so it is with a heavy heart I look upon this single.

Indi's debut 'Crystal Green' precedes the 21 year old's debut album, on which he will have help from the likes of ex-Portishead's Clive Deamer and Jim Barr. The single features three inoffensive, radio-friendly songs with appeal to anyone who likes their music in easily digestible but ultimately forgettable proportions.