Latest single from twee artist

After hearing a selection of songs from Loney, Dear's latest album 'Loney, Noir' and finding it too twee even for my Belle & Sebastian loving self, I wasn't expecting a great deal from the single 'Saturday Waits'. However, as it turns out Loney, Dear are rather like a rich desert, easy to digest in moderation.

The single is exactly what you'd expect after hearing the description 'twee'. A summery, upbeat lark or a song with sweet and rather high vocals from central mouthpiece Emil, the song is seeped in debt to Brian Wilson. Emil is also the centre of the Loney, Dear project, although is supported by additional musicians for live performances. 'Saturday Waits' isn't alarming in any sense and is unlikely to be remembered for any length of time after hearing it, but while it lasts it is pleasant enough.

Backed by 'I Know What I Want', taken from an earlier Loney, Dear album, it's immediately clear which is the superior song here. 'I Know What I Want' is a subtle and well-developed gem of the kind that inspires repeated listens. The more mature, developed sound on display here hints at what Emil Svanangen is capable of, so my only hope is that we see more song writing of this type in the future.