New Take On A Love Song
Just when you thought you'd every love song going, and some you'd rather never hear again, along comes Jack Penate with his little ode to the one he loves, and no she's not a Kate Moss look alike but instead quite a big girl, a realisation that perhaps shouldn't be as unnerving as it is. You see the man with the uncontrollable feet and elastic like legs has a confession to make. After sorrowfully taking us into his confidence, bemoaning quietly about how he's going to miss the one he loves Penate delivers the killer line, "I miss you, you're not my girl, you're my town". Suddenly it becomes clear and bizarrely you emit a slight "ahh" for the man who simply loves London town. With the confession made Penate gets down to business unleashing a preppy induced slice of rock that boogies around at break neck pace until you find yourself doing your best Jack Penate impression and dancing like a lunatic around the room. Oh, that was just me then...