Some Best Friend

Some Best Friend are fundamentally an easily manageable pop-rock band. Do not expect any outrageous chord changing decisions with these happy-go-lucky guitar wielding funsters. This five track cd is riddled with wishy-washy second vocals that "ahhhhh" and "ohhhhh" their way into the next hand holding and smooch-able track.

"The Letter" is far from anything new, but in this case it is a plus. Some Best Friend have stuck with the unbeatable Calling-esq. formula of simplicity and weepy lyrics with the standard bridge that picks up the pace, but keep it in a range that is safe enough to stop any toe tapping. It is possible the highlight of the cd, but sadly it is a low point overall.

Couples need to clear that dusty space on their cd rack to make way for another break-up record which will leave you clutching your loved ones possessions in angst thinking, where did it all go wrong? Well I believe I have the answer. It went wrong when the cd was released.