Aqualung- Memory Man.

Matt Hales a.k.a Aqualung is a Southampton born and bred singer songwriter- best known for his huge advert hit "Strange and Beautiful". Earlier singles have been released since June, with the widely anticipated album "memory Man" out 27th August.

His debut album was a massive hit, but definitely a safer release than the one that is set to follow. Memory Man takes that extra step towards the cliff edge- a few more risks which I think have been pulled off. Working alongside long term producer Kim Oliver, Hales allows his alter ego Aqualung to stand up and be counted. Comparisons to the masters Coldplay and Radiohead were inevitable and tracks such as "Glimmer" and "Garden of love" are there to point out why. Yet, unlike his predecessors, Hales works on the appeal of his grounded attitude and honest approach- focusing on hypnotic piano chiming and the controlled tension.

Critically light and lacking in clarity on the first record, Aqualung has produced a feisty reply in the form of a great second album, perhaps the hint of conventional pop melodies has led to a more successful release. Nevertheless- Hales has earned himself a few gold stars with this one. Cleverly, Aqualung still manages to capture the silent, calm beauty of the first record with middle placed tracks "Vapour trail" and "Rolls so deep" stereotypical Indie Aqualung.

Certain tracks convey a more eerie approach; "The Lake" is reminiscent of Athlete material, as the computerized vocals and eruption of music emphasizes. Overall, the album is a well balanced record, portraying beautiful guitar riffs and echoing vocals. It manages to example desperation, complacency and sentiment in every track. Cinderella is by far the best on the album and a magnificent way to open up the new record. The myth of the difficult second album has been well and truly destroyed.