Indie pop at its best.

Scouting For Girls have arrived on to the mainstream music scene after being swept up in a whirlwind of excitement after being signed to Epic Records on Valentine's Day this year and immediately beginning to record. The trio met at school and Scouts, their involvement with the latter organisation prompting the members to found the 'Wolf Cub Club', essentially a fan club for the band but one which comes with a Handbook, membership card and a secret code. Perhaps not quite what Baden Powell intended to inspire, but quirky and original nonetheless. Scouting For Girls have also been accredited with achieving success through myspace and general "word of mouth" (or should that be "word of fingers" on the world wide web.

In view of all this hype one may be forgiven for coming to a first listen of this single release with a cynical ear, but in fact the track is as lovely as the mysterious 'she' of the title. Lyrically, it doesn't plumb any hidden depths, but nor are the words such by Roy Stride utterly inane; and even if they were, when this music is this catchy it would be impossible to hold a grudge. Critics may say that it's all been done before, and this certainly is a mainstream indie pop sound that breaks no barriers; however its been wonderfully crafted and polished to perfection. Only a true misery guts would be unable to resist the urge to dance to this at an indie club, or even in the privacy of their own home.