Brazilian girls – Jique

Well, after listening to this track by New York's Brazilian Girls, what can be said? Well first of all, I understood maybe 20% of the track. The reason for this being that the lyrics are sometimes in English, but in some lines German, Spanish, French or Italian. There are even the occasional point when there is more than one language let lose in a given sentence. When viewing the band for the first time, you can only imagine the track is very much like the lead vocalist, a little odd, a little crazy yet very creative.

This bizarre mix of pop, dance and electronica is the bands debut single, and by the sounds of 'Jique' its going to be memorable, for a variety of reasons. The language was one thing, but the sounds are another. When the rising orchestral background is added with the vocals, the two do not really pair off that well; the vocals sound a little out of place compared with the hazy guitar bass. Nevertheless, it is great for a dance.