Protractors at dawn...

'Get Your Hands Off' sounds like something that The Libertines, Babyshambles or Dirty Pretty Things would have concocted if they hadn't been off their collective faces on drugs and had a sense of humour instead of penchants for ridiculous hats.

This single is a knockabout classic that's refreshingly free of the pretentious posturing of the aforementioned arseholes, a trait that turned great-sounding pop tunes into diatribes barely worthy of Jeffrey Archer.

Isosceles's guitars jangle with glee, the vocals bounce like Space Hoppers and the frankly brilliant yet insane synth makes one wonder what The Sensational Alex Harvey Band would sound like if they were part of the myspace generation. Answer: Isosceles.

'Get Your Hands Off' may go on too long (believe me, I know that sounds weird considering it only lasts just over three and an 'arf minutes) but at heart it's an infectious and delectable romp that deserves every accolade it gets.

Forget the hideous memories of double Maths, sit back and enjoy.