What happens when you go back to basics? Bore people to tears, apparently.

Having a good singing voice is all well and good, provided that you utilise it well. Many great bands had poor singers who could project their message in a way so convincing that it mattered not what their vocal range or dexterity was like. Sadly, in the case of Vince Freeman, he uses his powerful voice as a crutch on which he does nothing more than produce some underdeveloped and frankly boring music.

“Songs Without Shoes” sounds much like James Morrison would if you took away the pop sensibilities and spit and polish. The problem with this is that it's a dull, lifeless genre that needs these things to survive. There is nothing earthy or soulful about a man mashing chords on an acoustic guitar and singing hard, it's just lazy. People who have a loathing of anything remotely produced and think that digital technology means the death of the Fender guitar will probably relish in the rawness, but for those craving even the slightest hint of excitement should not even bother.