Pyramids- The Pyramids.

Now, it’s very rare Domino Records get it wrong. They brought us Test Icicles, Lightspeed Champion, Malcolm Middleton and now the quirky titled Pyramids. Apparently their first huge mistake. See I went in on a positive note for this one- adamant that Domino couldn’t put a foot wrong and then I placed the CD in my player and vowed never to trust this record label again.

Recorded in a week? In a barn? It’s all set up to be a disaster before we even begin, with a less than promising press release and hype rather for the session band they belong to as opposed to this shuddy release.

I admit- for two people to make such noise I’m impressed, but that was merely all it is. The Pyramids are the garage band that mum cuts the sound off to in EVERY American teen movie.

At points, it literally make me want to put my fingers in my ears and wish for mercy to be paid on those who helped produce this record. Track one is scary. Track two needed turning off. Track three sounds like it should have been in an adult version of Pocohontus- need I go on?

And then came debut single “Hunch your body, love somebody” and I preyed for a radio friendly release. It was better- possibly acceptable in a seedy underground rock bar in Manchester, but it’s not memorable.

I just picture the two lads pissing about and laughing at anybody who thinks this is good- and if I’m wrong I do apologise. The Pyramids really weren’t my cup of tea; “Festrooms” the fifth track also kinda hurt. The album lacks any musical importance in my brain.

Guitar star sets track six up to be a beautiful solo or magical interlude- it’s neither and becomes only a 2 minute strumming session. My girlfriend said she would shoot herself if I didn’t turn it off- I didn’t catch the last four tracks I’m afraid.

If you disagree with me on a regular basis then it was out 5th November. Go buy the first copy a relative didn’t.