Worriedaboutsatan- EP02

Worriedaboutsatan? As an unknown, I geared myself up for this one big time. I was preparing for a night out at Rock metal nightclub Dungeon and figured that there would be nothing better than listening to a band titled Worriedaboutsatan as preparation. Oh dear how wrong I was. Kerrang and Scuzz would politely ask me to turn around and leave via the door I came through if I presented this CD to them with that in mind.

Worriedaboutsatan is in fact a electronic, post-rock concoction primarily relevant at UV paint wall parties and student hang outs. The EP consists of six tracks and found itself recorded in a bedroom over a 6 month period by singer songwriter Paul Marshall. The EP is being released online by the band themselves- very Radiohead-esque to cut out the record label middle man- released 26th January.

Live showings have seen a mixed, some appreciating two guys and a computer- others a little confused by the point of their stage existence. I admit to at times thinking the CD has got stuck as the repetitiveness was enough to give anybody a headache. Every track sounds the same too, a worrying fact considering it is their second EP. EP02 as a title also sucks- originality at its best!

So I cancelled my night out. The only thing Worriedaboutsatan had managed to make me feel was tired. Next time I want to hit Dungeon, I’m gonna think twice before making a presumption about a band name.