The Sonic Hearts - To Be Someone

‘To Be Someone’ is a crystalline, sugar sweet slice of indie-pop from the Americana infused four piece, it bounds along with warmth and summery fervour and it’s highly melodic and infectious nature will no doubt find itself installed on daytime radio playlists as summer approaches. The Sonic Hearts have been making waves in their home city of Liverpool and in Sean Francis Butler appear to have a frontman whose ragged, nasal growl is reminiscent of many a Scouse chanteuse.

What this single lacks in ground breaking originality it makes up for with well-crafted, hook-laden chirpiness. Despite the fact that it unashamedly bristles with over-egged positivism and is moving in circles dangerously close to puke-inducing twee indie; the track is produced and delivered with a measure of Gram Parsons-esque charm which is undeniably endearing and will make a good many people smile upon being exposed to its naively heart warming lure. ‘To Be Someone’ encapsulates the band’s flagrantly hum-along approach and the single represents a feel-good hit for this or any summer.