Jose aint a special one.

Lets cut to the chase. Is there much to like about ‘Jose Fernandez’ by the Heart Strings? Is there much about it to make it jump ahead of any other song that could be available for you to buy? Is there a cracking chorus you can whistle all day? Nah, not really.

It’s a quirky little chorus that comes complete with its own football terrace styled chant. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any footballer called Jose Fernandez otherwise it would be adopted immediately by at least one club. I did witness a David Fernandez a few times playing football but he was quite a lazy player who sadly never lived up to his potential. He always looked as though he was fighting sleep when he was playing and probably wasn’t deserving of a football chant for him. Good lad though, don’t get me wrong.

This song would be a good song for him though as it meanders slowly and never really goes anywhere. Its hard to think of what The Heart Strings were going for here. If its trying to be anthemic, it really misses the target by a long way, even with that terrace shouting. The rest of the chorus is too quirky and fiddly for people to fully get behind and some of the staccato stabs just seem out of place.

Its as relevant, modern and filling as candy floss but you know, a lot of people like candy floss. Theres no real reason to like the product, all it does is make a mess and perhaps let you kid on you have a pink beard (why you would want to who knows…) but people like candyfloss. There are also going to be people who like The Heart Strings and their ‘Jose Fernandez’ single. Its definitely a song you can listen to between meals without ruining your appetite.