The Doits

Hailing from Stockholm, The Doits’ brand of rock and roll is sadly neither inspiring nor original and does nothing to live up to the promising title of the CD. It's not that they're a bad band, the music is still pretty good, it's just fairly bland and predictable.

'Some Kind of Motion' may be poppy and fun, but there's nothing enticing about it. Despite Altay Sagesen and Anders Gšransson's dual vocals, it still manages to sound empty and over-produced and despite obvious attempts, appears to lack attitude and passion. 'Movin' On' begins promisingly, but a couple of bars in and it begins to sound suspiciously like the previous track. I know that having a signature sound is a good thing, but The Doits seem to be taking it to the extreme!

'Never Again' is slightly more foot stomping and catchy but the slushy, clichéd lyrics, such as "now that my baby's back, I really love her so", are enough to make you reach for the sick bucket. Described as being for those who "like dark minds and have a dirty soul", it's safe to say that there is nothing dark nor dirty about this band's sound; they sound about as daring as a night in front of the telly with your Gran watching Countdown.

And sadly, the rest of the CD continues in the very predictable verse-chorus-verse dynamic, with each song leaving you asking, "haven't I already listened to this one?". If you're after some competent background sound, this is the perfect CD for you, but if you prefer passionate, raw and exciting music you'll have trouble finding any trace of that here – it definitely is NOT Rocket Science!