Love in the Fascist Brothel

From a band with such a peculiar name, it's obvious that their latest offering won't be your average listen, but Love in the Fascist Brothel contains an entirely new breed of manic, menacing noise that manages to lure you into its chaotic, circus-esque nightmare and then spit you out when it's finished without a second thought.

This is not music for the faint hearted. The Plot, formed in 2001 in San Diego, have stated their mission as being to "brand their name on every kid’s lips", and judging by this impressive release, they look likely to accomplish it.

'Love in the Fascist Brothel' echoes the sleaze, attitude and charm of bands like The Sex Pistols and The Contortions before them and takes punk back to the raw, chaotic noise it was designed to be. The album kicks off with Reichstag Rock and a flurry of trumpets introduce this snarling, pounding jazz-punk fusion that threatens to leap out of your speakers and grab you around the throat. As you can probably tell from the title, 'Exile on Vain Street' keeps up the hectic pace and the fantastic, unapologetic yells and throbbing bass are bizarrely teamed with bongos, which despite being an odd mix, fits in rather well!

'Love In The Sex Prison' is a drudging, stilted amble teamed with snarling vocals and scatty guitar riffs. It's probably one of the least frantic songs on the CD, but still captures the bands frenzied, uncontrollable sound, and gives you little time to relax. The bass-line in the introduction of 'Vulture Kontrol' echoes the thumping, scuzzy feel of Nirvana’s earliest single, 'Love Buzz', and songs such as 'Angry', 'Young and Rich' and 'Lawnmower Love' (despite the bizarre lyrics that try a little too hard to be as confrontational and shocking as possible) beg to be played again and again.

Every single song on the album is full of pounding bass lines, noisy feedback, thumping drums and banshee-esque screams and shrieks, creating the kind of riotous noise that demands to be played at full volume.

Move over Good Charlotte and all you other pitiful 'punk' bands (or have a good listen and learn something!) – this is how it's done.