James Yorkston and The Athletes-Shipwreckers

Now one could chose to look at this venture in two ways; one as a modern take on the acoustical music genre, another as a decrepit old-fashioned folk piece composed by a possibly suede elbow pad adorned History teacher fiddling with banjos and violins in his lunch breaks.

I am of the disposition that I feel this project teeters on the line between these two extremes. On one hand I can very well appreciate the tenderly plucked guitars and gentle relaxing vocals of Mr Yorkston and his sprightly able-bodied buddies, on the other, at some points such as when the violins kick in with their ever so meaningful tones and flutters, it does rather make me smirk in a shamefully piss-taking manner. It’s romantic ‘lovers entwined’ sentiments are just a little too sincere for this ever-so cynical critic.

However, generally speaking this is a nice modest ode that will make you feel pleasant on a summer’s day relaxing in a field. Picking strawberries. In a floaty dress. Etc.

You get the picture, obviously not my style but I can value its merit and there is a balanced talent here that cannot be denied.