Max Tunage

After a hiatus of six years, Max Tundra has returned, and the first track off new album ‘Parallax Error Beheads You’ certainly does not disappoint.

Whilst the gentleman behind Tundra, one Ben Jacobs, has spent time between albums doing the occasional remix for others, you get the feeling most of the time saw him fully immersed in moulding every minutia of sound on the album and the lead single is no exception.

‘Will Be Fooled Again’ is quite a little charmer of a track. Skittering about the place like an ADHD afflicted child who has just found the sweetie jar; it bursts with pop sensibilities. With a few pop culture references thrown in for good measure with talk of meeting girls on Myspace and Friendster, it effortlessly bounces along and in places reminiscent of something from ‘Gaps’ by Monster Bobby with its neu- kitsch appeal.

With all the usual audio glitches and noises associated with the electronica genre, it all the while pushes things forward with Jacobs’ acute attention to detail and obvious affection for all things electronic.

Max Tundra is one of those artists who is difficult to dislike. With a genuine and often quite obsessive fondness for the music he makes, you could only hope that all musicians share the same passion for tune-smithery as Jacobs.