Quirk-P op

‘Rummy’ is a decent quirk-pop tune, quite sparse but with plenty of jagged, off-kilter riffs.

Hailing from Sheffield, Kill The Captains inject a very British feel into the tune with English accented vocals and a very down to earth lyrical style. Strangely track two has a very different feel from the start; less fuzzy, less jagged and slower in tempo, there is a sultry open sound full of echoes, again the track is simple and unfussy but this feels somehow more serious and accomplished especially when it breaks out of its boundaries and becomes a faster, louder more rocky beast at half way through with some cracking, chunky riffs and it really motors until the end, this tune should have been the single. Track three is again different, almost folk in tone with nicely complex guitar picking and quite down-beat lyrics.

An interesting collection of very different tunes, perhaps Kill The Captains haven’t quite decided which direction they would like to go in yet, but what this also proves is that sometimes you can get away with being undecided.