Feel the anger!

“Remember Who You Are” is the new EP from English hard rock band Belligerence.
Belligerence recently performed at Hammerfest II where they failed to stick in my mind but this EP is far from forgettable. Featuring gritty, attitudinal vocals and plenty of menacing instrumental sections (including some pretty tasty guitar shredding), you will be desperate to hear more.

The track that stood out the most for me was ‘Remember Who Put You There’. It starts relatively casually but it isn’t long before you can feel the anger building and building until it reaches breaking point, exploding into the most insane guitar shredding. Particularly appropriate given the current events in the country, the song is obviously aimed at the UK’s politicians; maybe I would’ve paid more attention to the election campaign if the parties had adopted this kind of approach!

Overall, this is an extremely intriguing EP and I am thankful to have been given a second chance to discover what this exciting new band is capable of producing. I do hope I manage to catch a live performance again in the near future.

Belligerence is vocalist Tim Brock, guitarist David Harvey, bassist/vocalist Craig Copland and drummer Brett “Tree” Shalfer. For more information about Belligerence, check out their website

“Remember Who You Are” is available now on iTunes.