The Drums - 'Let's Go Surfing'

We are being thoroughly and shamelessly spoilt. Irresistibly sugary-sweet band The Drums have re-released the short snapshot of perfection that is, 'Let's Go Surfing'.

At this point, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am not one for physical exercise. Anything that causes me to break a sweat is something I try to give a very conscious swerve. However. This song has a very strange effect on me. The power of the beat driving this track makes me want to skip, leap and dance with arms a-flailing until my heart jumps out of my chest and explodes into a candyfloss cloud.
But please, don't let this horrific figurative comparison to trippy coronary strain scare you away. (It doesn't actually happen. Stop fretting.) It is simply the effect gleaned from each whimsical whistle and hand clap peppering the verses. It is a crowd pleaser. It is deliciously happy. It makes you want to dance. And it is as infectious as a manically musical strain of MRSA.

There is a reason why this track can be revived with a re-release. It just doesn't get old. Even after the tenth time of hearing it, the first kick of that guitar riff is as fresh as a picture postcard from your perfect summer holiday. The constant rhythm of bass and the drum grabs you firmly by the hand and takes you for a run. 'Let's Go Surfing' combines the perfect weighting of a retro Beach-Boys-zapped-into-the-80s sound with a swift poppy punch; making for a knock-out track. Warm sunshine melted into aural form.