Murderously Good

After a fantastic series of videos, posted on YouTube, building up to the release of 'Murder In The nth Degree', Avenge Vulture Attack's new single had a lot of living up to do to match the hype the band had created. Thankfully it does.

The London quartet power their way through 3 minutes of uncompromising pure rock, fuelled with energy from start to finish. There are plenty of cool riffs and the most impressive vocals you will hear from any up and coming band from Ella Grace. 'Murder In the nth Degree' avoids all the tedious standard fare that young bands feel the need to produce and we love it.

There is an impressive video that goes with this song, directed by Sam Shepherd and can be found on our video page.

Although we were slightly stumped as to what the song had to do with murder, there is no doubting the quality of Avenge Vulture Attack's rocking ability. We just need some live gigs to get excited about please!