Promising debut EP
Derby five piece, A World Defined, at times have an aggressive post-hardcore sound with impressively tight drums and chunky riffs leading the charge, but this harder side is tempered by more alt-rock style melodic, dreamy moments (exemplified by the track Sophomore), with a strong vocal lead carrying these moments well.
Welcome In This Feeling is the bands debut EP and it shows promise; opener Welcome To Barrow (Top Of The World) draws on their punk roots the most obviously out of the four tracks, rhythmically its faster in pace and vocally reliant on screams for texture. Even here there are lighter touches though, with the vocals intermittently smoothing out to a credible croon and the guitars rushing through melodic highs accompanied by vocal harmonies.
Sophomore slows things down but widens the scope to epic at times; soaring vocals are wrapped in echoes, guitars ring out well defined riffs. Internecine has a melodic heart complete with a super catchy and brilliantly sing along chorus, the track is broken up though with quieter breakdowns – in one moment acoustic guitar takes over the tune briefly before everything cranks back up for another blast, it's very well handled. Title track Welcome In This Feeling aims for huge and gets there, although the vocals are over-pushed on a couple of occasions it still impresses and closes the EP on a high.