Leika - Remote Control

Too frequently in this world bands write music for the sake of writing and not for their own enjoyment. Leika buck that trend and their newest release also comes with the added class of Greg Haver, producer of The Manic Street Preachers.
Remote Control starts with a good dose of sax appeal, a brass carrion call that instantly harks back to the late eighties. The whole score has a hint of Madness meets modern guitar riffs and the opening leads into a very catchy ballad. You feel the band's personality coming through in this track and that has to be down to the top quality producing by Greg Haver. If this song were a cocktail you'd be happy with what you have but also wishing for a slice of something, that secret ingredient that takes it from good to great. It's a solid record that walks a well-trodden path in the market but it will not be grabbing the headlines anytime soon.

B-side Drops is a much more refined song and is dripping in Manics style sounds. There is energy to this track that Remote Control lacks, I get a strong impression that this could be a real live anthem and has stayed on my own personal playlist for a few days now.

I believe to get the best out of this release you should see them live. Or, if they aren't playing any shows near you soon grab your headphones and turn the volume to 11.